intさわだんのBlack History



CCC 2007 stage1 senior5 「Bowling for Numbers」

Solution of this task:DP(dynamic programming).the recurrence formula would be as follows.dp[i][j] := max(dp[i-1][j],dp[i-w][j-1]);dp[i][j] means the maximum achievable score when player threw j balls and knock over no more than i pins.comp…

CCC 2012 stage1 senior5 「Mouse Journey」

CCC(Canadian Computing Competition)'s task.This problem is level three (a good grade 12 student MIGHT get this)I used typical DP(Dynamic Programming) to solve this problem. #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int dp[30][30]; int r,c,k; bool ch[</bits/stdc++.h>…